Surviving is one thing. Thriving is another.
Whether your small business or start-up has experienced hardship from a crisis or not, being prepared for the worst is a tactic I recommend all businesses to embrace. Minimising the hit and maximising the opportunity is only a matter of future proofing your business through preparation strategy, and it’s something you will not regret.
After 18 years of running my business, the one thing I had to do constantly was pause & pivot. Just before the GFC my business was thriving, with plans to upgrade to a larger production kitchen & increase employment of staff to fulfil exponential growth in demand.
As I was about to sign the new lease which would have doubled my outgoings, the GFC hit and within what felt like seconds, I lost 50% of my customers.
It was simply out of my control – my previously essential home delivered meals were immediately reclassified as luxury. I will never forget the dreaded meeting with my bookkeeper, who warned me of the 6 remaining weeks I had until I lost everything. I had no choice but to pivot, and fast.
To save my business I had to cut staff, reduce expenses and forgo the lease I was anticipating taking on to upscale production. It was back to the drawing board to brainstorm what we would do next.
Living in the midst of this pandemic and working with clients through these times has reminded me of my experience, and so I wanted to share some practical tips with you on how to survive & thrive in these times.
Although you might initially put the idea off when crisis happens – it happens. It’s important to be really transparent with yourself about recognising the position you are in. Once you effectively do so, you can have a clearer picture about where to next.
After I sold my business, I felt lost – I’m human, right! So, I packed my bags and went to New Zealand with my 3 children and not much else. It was the best experience I have ever had and it gave me the time to look within and figure out what I wanted to do next.
What I discovered was a different version of myself without being attached to anything or having the pressures of everyday business. It was time to pause, reset and create whatever I wanted to in my life.
So, use this time to reflect on what you loved about your business, perhaps what you didn’t love so much. And what gives you purpose in life. This will help you plan your next steps forward.
Trying to look forwards (not backwards) can actually be super exciting in terms of identifying opportunities you may have never seen before. Sit down and brainstorm what gaps there are now in the marketplace. Some of the questions which are useful to have a think about: What are everyday problems?
- What are everyday problems?
- What do people really want?
- Are there new opportunities for you to play in this new environment?
- Who do you know that perhaps you can collaborate with to strengthen both businesses?
Friends, mentors, neighbours or even someone you’ve stumbled across on social media – don’t be afraid to ask! Feeling vulnerable when you ask for help is normal, but once you start benefiting from diverse perspectives & support you will very quickly overcome this feeling.
People are supportive, and you may even be helping them by asking a question! Don’t be afraid and be open minded, having connections can be particularly empowering in your steps to success.
Infact, contact me here with any question/comment to kick off your journey.
No thinking is enough thinking & no idea is a bad idea! Putting everything to paper can very quickly get all those jiggling thoughts in your mind down on paper. Building on these can spark inspiration to keep going and find positivity to build direction. Any positivity you can bring back into your life is important to getting through hardship or challenge which might be in the way.
Brainstorming is not only good for team building but great for morale and may result in some outside the box ideas for your business to thrive. When I had my business one of the best ideas I had was moving from individual healthy eating meals to providing all-inclusive meals programs, this pivot resulted in a 50% growth in sales within a month.
While you may feel the pressure the most during uncertain periods, your staff will also be feeling the pressure too, and don’t always have the depth of information you may have.
During times of turmoil it’s imperative to take leadership and keep the morale of your staff high. Proactively engaging with them for regular check ins and reminders of company values is a great way to start. These are times when listening to others, applauding positive behaviour and engaging with others by uplifting them will be most impactful both personally and professionally. For those of you who don’t have staff try complimenting someone who inspires you with your work or whose work you love.
To chat through any of these tips or to simply get in touch – contact me here.