It used to be all yours, before the little ones came into the picture. Boy, things just haven’t changed since then have they? Calendars can be a task in themselves but you actually end up saving time if you’re organised. So, loading your calendar with the times taken up by the children’s morning routine, exercising, work & everything in between so you know when the ‘me’ moments can be scheduled. Yoga, massage, meditation – make time for it!


When I find the children playing up, it’s actually their attempt to grab my attention. So, by incorporating dedicated leisure time with them, you’ll find they can entertain themselves at other times when you’re busy. Dedicating time for this can be hard, especially if you are spending most of your day running around for them. But, it’s not always about the amount of time you spend with them, it’s about the quality. Whenever you can slot in even just 10 minutes with each individual child with no other distractions – you’ll start to see the effectiveness. Turning off your phone and engaging with them is simply all that’s required here..


Cook twice as much, half as often. This is the hack that the most organised of mums swear by in terms of organising their week. Plan the week’s meals on Sunday and then hit the supermarket the same day or pre arrange an online delivery to save the pain of getting home from work and having to decide what to cook. If your kids are older, get them involved in choosing the week’s dishes and even deciding which ones they’re going to cook and when (a saviour – I swear!)..


Have all of your groceries delivered, it’s super easy and can be planned ahead so it just turns up on your doorstep each week. There are some cool home delivery companies out there and even some that cater exclusively for kids. Try Marley Spoon for meal boxes, My Goodness Organics (Melbourne only) for organic healthy meals and Dinner Ladies or Gourmet Dinner Service for family friendly meals and for those in Perth try Wholistically Healthy .


Seriously though, do it! You are a mother, not a slave to your children. Even the youngest of children can learn to pack up after themselves and tidy up piles of toys. My children were putting their dirty clothes in the hamper as soon as they could walk, it just took a little perseverance.. The trick is to make it fun and start it young.


When you’re rested – you feel healthy & happy, and when you’re healthy & happy – you’re better positioned to deal with whatever life throws at you. So, when you can, schedule “me time” and make it all about you – it’s that simple. You don’t have to do anything fancy. For me, I like to go for a light jog while listening to music. My kids know they can’t come with me because that is what I call my special time. A great way to build it in is leaving earlier than required or coming back later than needed. That way, you can find yourself at a coffee shop wrapped up in a book, going for a walk or even having some retail therapy should you wish. This time is all about you, and therefore up to you how you spend it.

As a busy Mum there is always so much to do and add in running a business certainly adds a whole new element of challenge. I have helped guide many working Mums through and had them on top of it all and thriving by the end of our time together. You can contact me here if you would like to chat further.

Right, now for my own ‘me time!’
Bianca x